Strategic Security Solutions
Technon is dedicated to the creation, integration and implementation of security strategies that keep our clients safe in today’s challenging world. Our approach prioritizes strategy and the integration of the human, technological and physical factors involved with security.
Our mission is to provide security and peace of mind to our customers. We do this by understanding their unique security challenges and crafting the most adecuate solutions to their needs. We focus primarily on prevention and preparedness. Our service is highly professional, discreet and very effective.
Based in Miami, Florida, we cater our services to a wide spectrum of clients from specialized law enforcement and military units to corporations and private families with different security challenges. We provide our clients with simple and effective solutions for dealing with complex situations. The Technon team has over 100 years of combined experience in the fields of security, intelligence and preparedness.
Our leadership brings years of experience in the fields of security, intelligence and decision making. This experience stems from the security challenges faced by the State of Israel in recent decades. Technon LLC consultants are men and women that had an important role in the resolution of those challenges. In the recent years, we have also added colleagues from the US special operations community.
We welcome you to contact us and give us a brief overview of your security concerns or needs. We will be glad to help you and guide you as to what your various options may be. Send us a message using the contact us form and we will call you back soon.
Technon Advisory Board

Joe Gehr
Joe Gehr
Founder of Technon LLC, is a recognized professional in the fields of security and preparedness. Mr. Gehr’s over 25 year experience in these fields include 10 years of security work in Israel – where he is a veteran of the Israeli security establishment and an officer with the Israel Defense Forces. He is an experienced international consultant providing security, intelligence, and counter-terrorism advisory services to governments, organizations and corporations. Mr. Gehr has been a guest commentator on protection, security and terrorism topics for news organizations such as CNN, FOX, CBS, NBC, UNIVISION, TELEMUNDO, RTL, CARACOL, and other networks.
Mr. Gehr is currently involved in a start-up in the field of OT/ICS Cybersecurity.

Samuel Bashan
Advisory Board
Samuel Bashan
Advisory Board
Served in the IDF and the ISA (Israel Security Agency) for over 20 years. He was a member of the Israeli government’s Dignitary protection unit and was responsible for the security of three Israeli Prime Ministers. Mr. Bashan is an expert in bomb security and preventing sabotage. He is a Master trainer, with ability to train the minds of security officers and was awarded for his creativity and lecturing skills. As Chief Instructor of the ISA’s Anti-Sabotage Unit, he has trained hundreds of Israeli security officers stationed in Israel and abroad. In this capacity, he formulated and implemented procedures and security systems that are still used today at Ben-Gurion International Airport in Tel-Aviv and other Israeli governmental and military installations.

James Williams
Advisory Board
James Williams
Advisory Board
President of Bugei Trading Company, Inc., has more than 46 years of knowledge and experience in martial and combative arts. He is recognized world wide for his understanding of and skill in ancient Samurai sword fighting. He uses this knowledge to teach teachers and students of military special operations, government security agencies, and SWAT teams for US and allied nations. James is the designer of the “Hissatsu,” a close quarter battle knife that is produced by Columbia River Knife and Tool. His television appearances include: National Geographic’s “Force Recon”, The Discovery Channel’s “The Ten Greatest Weapons”, and Outdoor Network’s “Shooting Gallery”.

Andrew Scott
Advisory Board
Andrew Scott
Advisory Board
Retired from over 30 years of law enforcement in 2006, the last seven years as Chief of Police of the Boca Raton (FL) Police Department. Mr. Scott provides expert witness consultation to police departments and law firms on high liability police practices and procedures in both federal and state courts throughout the country. His company also provides employment screening and background check services. Mr. Scott is a part-time instructor for Capella University, where he teaches criminal justice and corrections. Mr. Scott has also taught criminal justice courses at Florida Atlantic University, human resources at Keiser University, and leadership at Lynn University (Boca Raton). He has been a guest lecturer for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Southern Police Institute, the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc., the Commission on Florida Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc., the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, and many other organizations. Mr. Scott has been a guest commentator on law enforcement practices and procedures for news organizations such as CNN, MSNBC, FOX, HLN, NPR, ABC’s 20-20, NBC Today News show and various local TV media outlets as well as numerous radio stations throughout the country.

Michael N. Emmerman
Advisory Board
Michael N. Emmerman
Advisory Board
Managing Director at Neuberger Berman, LLC as well as a Government Liaison Officer for the American Red Cross – has 40 years of money management experience and 25 years of disaster response experience. He is also a Board Certified Forensic Examiner and serves as an advisor to federal, state and local, public safety and law enforcement agencies. Mike volunteers his time and experience to the public safety and disaster services community, and has served at many critical incident scenes, including the TWA Flight 800 recovery operation and at Ground Zero on 9/11. On the morning of 9/11, Mike was one of the first responders on the scene and was trapped in the debris of the South Tower. For the past 20+ years, Mike has lectured on issues of preparedness, but after his experience on the morning of 9/11, he has allocated a significant amount of his time and energy in order to get this important message to everyone.
What our clients are saying…
BSO SWAT Special Weapons and Tactics Team Broward Sheriff’s Office