Michael N. Emmerman
Managing Director at Neuberger Berman, LLC as well as a Government Liaison Officer for the American Red Cross – has 40 years of money management experience and 25 years of disaster response experience. He is also a Board Certified Forensic Examiner and serves as an advisor to federal, state and local, public safety and law enforcement agencies. Mike volunteers his time and experience to the public safety and disaster services community, and has served at many critical incident scenes, including the TWA Flight 800 recovery operation and at Ground Zero on 9/11. On the morning of 9/11, Mike was one of the first responders on the scene and was trapped in the debris of the South Tower. For the past 20+ years, Mike has lectured on issues of preparedness, but after his experience on the morning of 9/11, he has allocated a significant amount of his time and energy in order to get this important message to everyone.